In a world filled with a "booty call" mentality, it's easy to become a little jaded. The dating scene can take on a whole new spin and not a good one either. As men and women, we can brace ourselves for the worst. We may proceed with extreme caution but at Your Escort Agency, that just won't do. We know just how wonderful London entertainers are. As such, they deserve only the very best. We want our clients to treat our female models with the respect they deserve. To help you a little, we thought we'd put together some tips. Here are some everyday gestures that you can do to prove that chivalry is not dead.
Open doors - a gent who takes the time to open the door says a lot about himself. He's caring and he respects the woman he's with. Our high-class ladies will appreciate this. This could be any door; a car door, a front door or a restaurant door. Our young ladies will recognise what you're doing and they'll most certainly show their appreciation.
Saving the last bite of food - every woman knows the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. So when a man saves his last bite of food, it says a lot. Our models will see this as your way of saying you like them. It also shows that you care. You care more about them than the food in front of you.
Suffering a chick flick - when a man volunteers to watch a chick flick, this says a thousand words. It says even more when he offers to do this for his petite escort. This is especially so when he doesn't complain! Put your escort first and we guarantee you'll be happy you did. This is a particularly good idea during a GFE experience.
Send flowers - now we're not talking hundreds of pounds here. They don't always have to be huge bouquets. Simply grabbing a bunch in the supermarket before you meet your fiancée is thought enough. There's just something about flowers that make a woman smile. Especially when it's a girl who provides escort service.
Walking on the outside of her - if you've never done this before you may be confused. Putting yourself on the outside of our escort girls when walking on the kerb shows you're protecting her. This of course isn't a must, but it really is a plus. You're proving yourself to be protective and manly. These are very attractive qualities in an any woman's eyes.
Helping with a coat - women are indeed capable of dressing themselves. This isn't a question of ability though. This is simply a gentlemanly act. You're being kind and offering to help when it's cold. By helping her with her coat first is just another way of showing you care. It's a small gesture with a big reward.
Kissing the forehead - for a first date, this can feel a little platonic. For a second or third date however, it can feel adorable. Don't forget it's the small gestures that will make your companion feel adored!
Listen up gents! Chivalry is most certainly not dead and will go a long way with your desirable companion. Keep hold of these top tips and try them out. You can thank us later.